Deciphering the effects of anti-TNF Therapy on B cell responses in IDB patients
Grant Amount: NIS 3.150 million
About the Project
B cells produce protective antibodies upon infection and vaccination; however, various factors may impair their important functions. In previous collaborative research by our groups, carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic, we found that one of these factors is a class of biologic therapies that block the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha pathway. Anti- TNF alpha antibodies are used worldwide to treat millions of patients with immune mediated inflammatory diseases, such as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). In the current research we decipher the molecular basis of this phenomenon and investigate how inhibiting TNF alpha signaling impairs B cell and T cell functions. Furthermore, we will investigate if antibodies produced by B cells recognize antigens relevant for the pathogenesis of IBD.
Understanding the link between TNF alpha blockade and adaptive immune responses will have immediate relevance to millions of patients. It may enable improved vaccination protocols, personalized approaches to biologic therapy, and clues to the triggers of IBD.
Research Team
Dr. Keren Rabinowitz
Felsenstein Medical Research Center
Prof. Iris Dotan
Gastroenterology, Rabin Medical Center
Dr. Natalia Freund
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University
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