Development and Application of an Advanced Analysis Platform for MRI-Based Blood Vessel Characterization in Tumor/Benign Breast Tissues for Personalized Patient Management
Grant Amount: NIS 1.5 Million
About the Project
We will collect clinical, histological and radiological data, including delayed contrast MRI, from 400 women with breast lesions, to develop an advanced analysis platform for MRI-based blood vessel characterization in abnormal breast tissues. The resulting platform is expected to enable: 1) personalized diagnosis – differentiation between benign and malignant tissues for deciding whether to perform a biopsy and to plan biopsies; 2) personalized malignant lesion characterization, such as cancer type and grade; and 3) personalized assessment of response – differentiation of an active tumor from treatment-induced effects. In addition, a large, rapidly growing database of clinical, histological and MRI data of women with breast lesions will be created.
Research Team
Prof. Yael Mardor
Sheba Medical Center, Advanced Technology Center 
Prof. Miri Sklair-Levy
Sheba Medical Center
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